DAYS Exchange is to find elixir of life extension

Life extension technologies have become the key not only in biotechnology and medicine, but also in insurance and pension systems. Importance is evidenced by the fact that the candidate for the Presidency of Russia declared it a priority.

Former Russian Minister of finance  Alexey Kudrin, marked the technology of practical immortality as the main priority for Russia, at a national forum convened for the purpose of developing a strategy for Russia’s development.

Alexey Kudrin:

“within 15 years there will be “almost immortal” people;

This opinion on the panel discussion “The Future of Russia” at All-Russian Civil Forum was expressed by former Minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin. He noted that the achievements of science and technology is already actively implemented in all spheres of human life. In the near future, according to Kudrin, the medicine will find effective means of stimulating the emergence of “almost immortal” people.

DaysExchange approach will power medicine paradigm shift.

Days.Exchange is preparing medicine paradigm shift, designing and implementing relevant technologies of life extension. DAYS project have unique tools for verification of technologies to invest in. DAYS Scientific blockchain panel will vote on the Health and Lifespan companies funding and each expert proposed company for funding will pledge part of his DAYS tokens. Thus, DAYS system has incentives for top-experts to support and promote recommended startups.

First candidates for investment are Retrotope and Bioviva.

Liz Parrish CEO of Bioviva. has become the first human being to be successfully rejuvenated by gene therapy. Soon, this therapy will be available due to DAYS Exchange.

Modern medicine can find the funds for a significant prolongation of human life in the next 10-15 years. However, DAYS project may accelerate this pace, by Token Generation Event aimed to gather broad mass of investors in crowdfunding lifespan technologies.

TGE proceeds will go to funding 45 breakthrough startups, to connect SuisseLifeScience AI with DAYS blockchain platform, and to gift longevity to old movie stars.

Victor Gryschak