Ujjwal Singh: the key features about our company are the cheapest prices for wallets in global market , High security and development time is too minimal than anyone could provide.

The first version of the virtual world was mathematics, on the basis of which programming was constructed. But although they have points of contact, for example, logic and abstract thinking, modern programming languages have gone far - today you can be a developer without knowing mathematics.

But this is not so. Without the knowledge of mathematics to become a good web engineer is more difficult, because all engineering consists of mathematical symbols and signs.

A team of experienced engineers, BlockFabric is engaged in the design, improvement and research of systems. It consists of people who have specific knowledge and extensive experience. Management of production is based on the principles and methods of engineering analysis. Applications of mathematics, physics and social sciences are used together with methods of engineering analysis and design to predict, determine and evaluate the performance of systems. The team of engineers BlockFabric seeks to minimize the costs of time, money, materials, energy and other resources. Today we will talk with Mr. Arpit Goyal,Mr. Ujjwal Gusain and Mr. Ayush Khanduri founders at BlockFabric and you can reach their website at blockfabric.io

- Hi Ujjwal. Your team of engineers has proven in the blockchain as a flawless specialist. What products BlockFabric offers its customers?

- Hello CCN Network,

First of all I like to thank CCN Network to invite us for interviewing BlockFabric. We are delighted to provide our answers below.

We offer products :-

- Single Currency, Full Featured Wallets (Android/IOS/Web)

- Multi Currency Wallets (Android/IOS/Web)

- Liquidation Engine as a service (beta), for liquidating an asset to some other asset and for getting the market stats (market sentiments, market prices, optimal limit rates for majopr 50+ exchanges).

We offer all the above products with highly secured mechanisms integrated, best code quality for maintainable codebase that can scale well for all traffic loads and a promise of meeting client’s deadlines.

- Many web engineers create a product longer than the customer expects. How is the process of creating a multi-currency purse, and in what time frame can you provide the finished product?

- We can’t say for others, but it is our priority to meet the customer’s deadlines and provide quality and secure products. In case of our multi currency wallet, we have a proper schedule which we will followed with expected range of cost. The scehdule provided may vary based on the development of customer’s specific requirements, but on the whole development time negotiated with the customer will be held as the priority to meet.

- Not unimportant moment in the services of web engineering is the price/quality. How do you test the product?

- For the price and quality for our products, we are charging fairly low as compared to the standard market rates and quality will assured to be top notch.

We write unit, integration test cases from the very start of the project, so that maximum of the bugs will squashed before even the product enters separate testing phase. After development in our testing phase we make sure product to go through all the required platforms dictated by the customer, so that the end product is the piece of software on which customer can rely with his and his customer’s money.

- Data protection. What security systems can BlockFabric offer to its customers?

- We use enterprise-wide best security practices to avoid any kind of frauds or hacks. Our security system is always up to date with the industry standards. In case of very high profile cyber attack, we also assure some fallback plans that can even further minimise the loss of data or money.

- For which industries can you offer your services?

- Any industry that feels the need to work more transparently, public and secure can have our services.

Thank you.